Athletic Therapy
Memorial Athletics offers Athletic Therapy service to all varsity athletes in-season at no cost to the athlete. The services include prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries.
The athletic therapist is an integral part of a sports medicine team that has been designated to ensure optimal care of varsity athletes at Memorial. All members of our team work clos
ely together to provide optimal care for our student athletes.
The athletic therapist is the communication link between the athlete and the team physician, as well as the athlete and the coach. The athletic therapist has the authority to declare athletes eligible or ineligible for competition based on their injury status.
Booking Appointments
The athletic therapy clinic is available for treatment four days a week and athletes can sign up for appointments as needed. Please visit the clinic on the main floor of the Physical Education Building to sign up for an appointment. Athletes MUST cancel booked appointments that they are unable to keep.
Student Trainers
The athletic therapy clinic also provides a great opportunity for students to be involved with varsity athletics as student trainers. These student trainers are selected on an annual basis by the athletic therapist and provide an excellent opportunity for qualified students to earn a valuable volunteer experience in an athletic environment.
Student trainers are assigned in pairs to a team and are responsible for attending practices and games, taking care of the day to day first aid and taping requirements for their team. This is a very rewarding and exciting role that requires a great commitment, often with great reward. Many of our student trainers go on to be accepted into professional therapeutic schools, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, massage therapy, athletic therapy, etc.
Some of our former student trainers have also used the experience as valuable volunteer experience on applications to medical school and other professional academic programs. Becoming a student trainer is a fabulous learning opportunity, and is generally at least two years in length.
If you are interested in applying for one of these positions please contact Krista Mullaly-Dobbin to arrange an interview.